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Tid väl använd

Jag är en nöjd deltagare av Dobermans designkonferens Frontiers of Design som gick av stapeln i Stockholm i slutet av Augusti 2018. Till Frontiers-konceptet (om jag får kalla det så) hör också en film, Frontiers of Design Film, där ett antal framstående personer inom det breda fältet design säger sitt om dess framtid. Jag fick möjligheten att se denna film på plats. Underhållande, en del tankar går igång och vacker.

En av de intervjuade personerna är Lisa Kay Solomon, från Singularity University. En person jag blev intresserad av och kollade upp. Detta ledde mig till ett TEDx-snack hon gjort ett tag tillbaka. Det låter som om hon konkretiserat och strukturerat upp mina egna tankar sedan länge, angående en viktig konkurrensfördel som vissa företag(skulturer) har/kommer att ha. Och den är väldigt mycket enklare än bäst AI-forskare, störst moln eller grymmast designers. Det handlar om respekt och förståelse för tid. En sund kritik av, samt smartheten att applicera en designers mentalitet på, möten.

Nu har jag inte en bred studie kring alla företags syn på och sätt att hantera tid, effektivitet och möten till mitt förfogande. Men min erfarenhet är, med all respekt för att många försöker, att det inte står så bra till. 

Vi har många gruppledare, team-ansvariga och personer som på andra sätt spelar en avgörande roll för hur många fler medarbetare överhuvud taget kan vara smarta och effektiva. Hur många av dessa reflekterar över hur de genomför alla dessa (för många möten är det) aktiviteter på ett allt annat än slentriant sätt? Den frågan lämnar jag där. Men jag vet vad jag själv tror.

advertising brand digital just a reflection media quote

the value, or not, of online advertising

From a brand communications perspective, some of the most interesting things happening are around new ways of connecting to people that, at least, buy or use your product. I say at least because today there’s nothing holding people back from promoting and selling your brand, if they dig it. And there’s nothing holding brands back from not making that more likely. I like what Rick Liebling touches on in this post about the future of retail, and how brand advocates can/should/will be viewed differently from an organisation-boundary-perspective. More thoughts on that in a later post.

At the other end, brands need to continue to “just lightly nudge” people into buying their services and products and display advertising is, from a user behaviour and media usage pattern perspective important. A few bits that are connected happened to pop up about the same time.

Google says that its technology could be a game-changer, in that it will create an advertising product that can command a premium.

“Display inventory to date has been limitless,” said Faville. “It could be that prices for viewable inventory become higher as advertisers’ confidence increases in the system. There is a high likelihood of these ads being seen as valuable to marketers.”

From The Guardian/technology

“The problem with television is that people must sit and keep their eyes glued on a screen. The average American family hasn’t time for it, it will never be a serious competitor to radio broadcasting.”
– The New York Times in 1939, by way of Dave Trott.

Via Gustav von Sydow

“Well-informed people know that it is impossible to transmit the human voice over wires, as may be done with dots and dashes of Morse code, and that were it possible the thing would be of no practical value.”
– 1865 Boston Newspaper, by way of Dave Trott

Via Gustav von Sydow

Premiumization is likely to happen. Exclusivity formats too. And likely to work, because it actually should work. We will break free from terminology like display vs ondemand TV vs online TV vs Broadcast TV etc and see more clearly. Nobody ever clicked on a TV ad, yet we know it works. Mere exposure effect is real, etc. Just a reflection.

advertising brand case ideas planning presentation strategy video clip work

we won gold, by opening a bordello

OK, some self promotion. Sorry. We just won gold in the Swedish Effectiveness Awards (100wattarn), in the public awareness category, for opening a bordello. 1 in 13 Swedish men buy sex. Scary right? We live in liberal times and that goes for attitudes to prostitution as well. It’s a touch discussion to take and it’s not at all clear cut. I don’t want the state to tell me what I can and cannot do, but the problem is that when you look into it, see the statistics, talk to the people within the police and other institutions such as anti-trafficking units etc, you start to see some really disturbing “back sides”.

What happens is that organized crime gets involved. The demand for women is high so trafficking is the only way to secure distribution. Trafficking is the 2nd largest income for organized crime, right after drugs. You want prostitution? You will have to accept trafficking. That’s how it works.

With very limited funds we needed to get people to react, reflect and hopefully change their attitudes. There’s one arena where you can do that if you hit home, or completely disappear if you miss. In Almedalen – a place where all the politicians, PR people and organizations with a civic agenda meet for one week. An opportunity, and a great risk. Here’s the story:

Bordellen i Almedalen from Gyro Scandinavia on Vimeo.

Swedish only, sorry.

Did we manage to make something out of the opportunity? Yep, we were awarded “media factor of the week” making the greatest impact, got a 7 minute section on national news, live news coverage called “the duel of the bordello” and so on. People reacted and attitudes shifted. Only problem is; you need to keep going at it because the liberals still don’t get the trafficking connection it seems, and attitudes are fragile.